
Check your CU Boulder email for a personal link to the survey. 的 survey will take about 10–25 minutes to complete.

查看邮件主题: 你的校园文化调查链接.

什么是CCS ??

CU Boulder will administer the 2021 Campus Culture Survey (CCS) in October.

通过这个匿名调查, 教师, 工作人员, 和 students will be able to provide insights into the extent to which they feel respected, 支持, 和重视. CU Boulder also seeks to underst和 how the experiences of campus community members differ by gender, 种族和民族, 性取向, 性别认同.

的 survey results will provide benchmark data in support of the Inclusion, Diversity 和 Excellence in Academics (IDEA) Plan. Insights from the survey findings will guide the campus’s efforts to build a more just, 多样化的, 公平的, 包容的校园社区.

的 campus’s goal is to gather anonymous feedback from students, 教师 和 工作人员 related to their sense of belonging, 不礼貌的经历, 课堂与职场文化, 和 protected-class harassment (including sexual harassment), 和歧视.

此外,作为后续的 2015年博彩平台推荐性行为不端调查, 本科 和 研究生 students will receive the sexual misconduct module covering sexual assault 和 exploitation, 亲密伴侣虐待和跟踪.

CCS建立在博彩平台推荐的基础上 本科 研究生 2014年学生社会氛围调查. Campus 工作人员 adapted student-focused survey questions to create comparable questions for 教师, 工作人员, 和 institute employees with the goal of gaining a more complete picture of the campus culture. 的 survey was piloted in several iterations on over 3,000名社区成员,最后敲定. In Fall 2019, the CCS replaced the previous survey used in the 学术评审与规划 (ARPac) process that each academic program undergoes every seven years to identify program strengths 和 weakness.

这项调查是 更广泛的努力 在科罗拉多大学的四个校区进行.

  • Dr. Dyonne Bergeron, CU Boulder, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Inclusion 和 Student Achievement
  • Valerie Simons, CU Boulder, Associate Vice Chancellor & 第九条协调员
  • Teresa Wroe, CU Boulder, Senior Director of 教育 & 预防 & 第九条副协调员
  • Julie Volckens, CU Boulder, OIEC Director of Assessment
  • Robert Stubbs, CU Boulder, Director for Institutional Research
  • Dr. 弗朗西丝·科斯塔,博彩平台推荐,IR高级研究员
  • Dr. Amy Biesterfeld Nakatani, CU Boulder, IR Assistant Director for Assessment

请将问题和意见发送至 CampusCultureSurvey@shoppersdeli.com.

April to October 2021— Communication Plan, Campus Meetings, 和 Survey Preparation



January 2022— Results for Strategic Plan-Aligned Questions Shared to Board of Regents

February 2022— Presentation at Board of Regents Meeting

TBA 2022— Campus Results Presented at Board of Regents Meeting

TBA 2022 -提交行动计划

What steps are being taken to protect the anonymity of my survey responses?

  • We know that individuals must have assurance that their responses are confidential 和 secure if we are to receive accurate 和 c和id feedback. Survey participants' privacy is of utmost importance to us, 和 strict internal safeguards are in place to ensure that privacy.
  • No one outside of the Office of Data Analytics’ (ODA) Institutional Research (IR) assessment 工作人员—no administrators, 监事, or 教师—has access to survey respondents’ identities or to files that may connect names or email addresses with answers to survey questions.
  • Members of the IR assessment team will manage the survey email distribution list, wherein it is recorded who has 和 has not completed the survey questionnaire.
  • 一旦参与者提交了他们的调查, the identifying information that permitted the database manager to keep track of who did 和 did not respond to the survey is automatically deleted. In other words, each case in the final data file is an anonymous case. 除了, the data file is encrypted 和 stored in a secure, encrypted drive which only IR assessment 工作人员 can access.
  • Questionnaire responses will be aggregated for statistical analysis 和 reporting. 博彩平台推荐将把数据汇总到 10人以上的团体 responses in order to maintain the anonymity of survey participants. If any demographic group or combination of group characteristics has fewer than 10 individuals, 这些数据将不予报道. IR will not provide any findings that would risk making someone identifiable due to the uniqueness of their demographic characteristics, 在中大的年数, 学院排名, 工作类型, 部门, 主要的, 或者是这些因素的组合. Your anonymity is our first duty of care 和 will be protected in all reports resulting from this survey. We are committed to ensuring that individuals can provide c和id feedback with confidence. Anything else is counter-productive to the effort.
  • 请电子邮件 CampusCultureSurvey@shoppersdeli.com for more information regarding steps taken to ensure anonymity 和 confidentiality.


  • 的 CU Boulder Office of Data Analytics (ODA) currently safeguards any sensitive employment 和 student data it accesses by using state-of-the-art data security protocols. 调查平台Qualtrics满足 供应商安全评估问卷 (VSAQ)数据标准. 数据在传输和静止时都是加密的. 阅读更多博彩app推荐质量安全的信息. Once the survey has closed, data will also be encrypted in transit to ODA. 的 full database of anonymized responses will then be held by ODA in encrypted form on their secure server. 的 消除识别信息 data will be stored to allow investigation of trends by comparison with future surveys.
  • 请电子邮件 CampusCultureSurvey@shoppersdeli.com 有关数据安全的更多信息.




प्राय: सोधिने प्रश्नहरु

